Top 17 AI Newsletters You Should Follow in 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming numerous sectors, with new tools emerging weekly. Amidst this inundation of information, discerning high quality content is paramount.

Newsletters serve as an effective method to stay updated without wasting hours searching for relevant information.

Considering factors like publication frequency, content depth and target audience, we’ve curated a list of the top AI newsletters for both individuals and professionals.

These newsletters offer an opportunity to stay informed about recent advancements and trends in the AI sector.

They provide a well-rounded perspective on the dynamic AI industry, its constant innovations and the latest news and research.

Top 17 AI Newsletters You Should Follow in 2023

Staying informed is no longer a daunting task, thanks to these insightful AI newsletters delivering curated content straight to your inbox.

Let’s get started with the list of best AI Newsletters:

1. Ben’s Bites

Ben’s Bites” is a concise, daily AI-focused newsletter, reaching over 40,000 tech insiders including those from Google, a16z, Amazon, Sequoia and Meta.


The digest covers major AI product launches, news and research from the last 24 hours.

Accessible on Twitter, the newsletter also keeps followers abreast of major AI developments.

Noted for its humor, it promises a swift read under 5 minutes.

Perfect for entrepreneurs, software engineers and tech enthusiasts, it offers a snapshot of the AI world and newly released AI software tools.

It may not satisfy those seeking in-depth, technical content or long-form readings.

2. Data Machina

Data Machina is a weekly digest for professionals interested in AI/ML, data science and related fields.


It curates the latest research, tools and projects, encapsulating technical insights in a concise, minimalistic format.

The newsletter also features data sets, visualizations and content on blockchain and natural language processing.

Followed by thousands in the industry, Data Machina makes the perfect resource for keeping up with the rapidly advancing world of AI.

3. Visually AI

Visually AI is a distinctive, growing newsletter by Heather Cooper focusing on design aspects of AI tools creation and usage.


The weekly newsletter featuring generative AI topics like DALL-E and MidJourney caters to visual content creators and AI enthusiasts with innovative AI news and tools.

While offering a brief, all-encompassing overview it may not suit those seeking in-depth knowledge.

4. The AI Revolution

The AI Revolution Newsletter is a comprehensive weekly resource for AI advancements.

Covering sectors like funding, tools and research, it provides curated, conversational content to keep founders updated.


The newsletter also offers unique AI photos and trends, making it a potpourri of the AI industry.

Created in collaboration with IBL Education, it aims to enhance knowledge and inspire the application of AI in business. It is a perfect resource for a quick all-round AI update.

5. PromptPal

PromptPal is a platform where users can share and discover top AI prompts for platforms like ChatGPT, Midjourney, Bard, Bing and more.


Alongside, it offers a newsletter filled with free prompts, AI tool suggestions, AI news and highlights from Midjourney.

As an AI-centric social network, PromptPal enhances user experience by blending AI-conversations with interactive networking.

Moreover, it offers insights on creating compelling newsletter content.

It’s a free-to-use platform, enhancing the AI-driven conversational experience.

6. AI Tidbits

AI Tidbits, curated by Sahar Mor, is a weekly newsletter summarizing the latest AI news.

Emphasizing brevity and visual clarity, it keeps readers updated on AI advancements without overwhelming them with information.

Ideal for individuals with limited time, the newsletter is lauded for its concise, organized and visually appealing format.

It’s accessible on Substack for free subscription, marking it as one of the top AI newsletters to follow in 2024.

7. Unwind AI

Unwind, a casual, opinionated newsletter, delivers weekly updates on advancements in AI.

Authored by Shubham Saboo, it provides a blend of news, tools, memes and more to over 5000 professionals.


Covering diverse AI topics including machine learning and deep learning, it’s a valuable resource for catching up with the field’s latest trends.

While offering an overview, it lacks in-depth analysis, making it ideal for those seeking brief updates.

Its uniqueness lies in its light-hearted tone and unique perspectives on community affairs.

8. AI Disruption

Alex McFarland, a journalist at UniteAI, authors a concise, monthly newsletter, “AI Disruption“.

The newsletter underscores the most critical developments in artificial intelligence (AI), exploring its societal impact, threats and opportunities.

Recognized as a top source by numerous outlets, it’s a recommended read for those keen to stay abreast of the latest AI advancements and trends.

9. The Batch

The Batch Newsletter is a comprehensive, weekly source of AI-related news and insights designed for machine learning practitioners, data scientists, executives in AI fields and AI enthusiasts.

It provides in-depth coverage on AI-related issues such as technological advancements, legal issues and public policy.

The newsletter breaks down complex topics into easy-to-understand information, focusing on practical applications and expert analysis.

It’s not ideal for casual tech readers or non-technical professionals seeking short-form content.

10. AI Breakfast

AI Breakfast Newsletter is a curated, weekly analysis of the latest AI projects, products and news.


It provides a brief overview of select AI news topics and offers practical examples of how best to integrate AI software into daily workflows.

The newsletter bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical execution, highlighting companies that leverage cutting-edge AI technologies.

It’s suitable for entrepreneurs, data scientists, researchers, academics and engineers.

However, it’s not the best choice for non-technical individuals or those seeking bite-sized reads.

AI Breakfast is also available as a podcast and features premium AI interviews, job candidates, investment opportunities and the latest AI tools and research.

11. The Music Futurist

The Music Futurist is a weekly newsletter curated by Chris Egan that explores AI advancements in the music industry.

It includes a selection of innovative AI tools, a roundup of engaging social media discussions, videos and articles about AI in music.

Subscriptions are available via Beehiiv and

The newsletter, unrelated to the early 20th-century Futurism art movement, caters to music enthusiasts keen on understanding how AI is transforming the music landscape, from automated music creation to AI-driven songwriting competitions.

12. AI Alignment Newsletter

Curated by Rohin Shah, the AI Alignment Newsletter is a weekly dispatch that sheds light on new research pertinent to AI alignment.

The newsletter, subscribed by over 2600 individuals, discusses a variety of AI alignment issues ranging from technical research and philosophical queries to ethical implications.

The primary aim is to ensure the development of AI systems that will serve humanity’s interests.

Shah’s newsletter is a valuable resource for both professionals working in the AI field and those interested in understanding the latest trends in AI alignment.

13. Synthetic Mind

Synthetic Mind is a weekly newsletter designed for those with an interest in AI but lack the time or the desire to read extensive, technical articles.


It offers an easy-to-understand yet comprehensive overview of AI’s most relevant topics, industry news and software updates.

The five-minute read is free and allows its audience to keep abreast of the latest advancements in AI.

14. The Rundown

The Rundown Newsletter, authored by Rowan Cheung, provides a unique perspective on AI’s latest developments.

The newsletter, which is sent out on weekdays, is recognized for its rich insights, engaging dialogue, humorous tweets and most importantly, its focus on building an AI-interested community.

The central theme of each edition is followed by a brief rundown of the week’s most popular AI topics.

With over 200,000 daily readers, including professionals from Microsoft, Tesla, Nasa and Meta, The Rundown Newsletter encourages its audience to spark discussions and exchange ideas on various AI-related topics.

15. The Road to AI We Can Trust

The Road to AI We Can Trust” is a critically acclaimed newsletter by Gary Marcus, a renowned cognitive scientist and author.

It provides an insightful analysis of AI, discussing its risks, ethical challenges and recent controversies.

Marcus encourages collaboration to ensure AI’s beneficial usage.

The newsletter, with over 20,000 subscribers, is highly recommended for those interested in understanding complex AI technologies like GPT and their future implications.

16. Artificial Intelligence Weekly

The Artificial Intelligence Weekly newsletter is a free, expertly-curated resource offering updates on crucial AI topics.


Designed for a quick 5-minute read, it covers areas such as AI research, ethics, applications and investments.

The weekly digest includes a variety of sources like research papers, GitHub repositories and tweets.

In addition, it also offers valuable insights into the practical and ethical aspects of AI deployments.

This resourceful newsletter helps readers keep up-to-date with the rapidly evolving AI landscape, offering a convenient solution to staying informed amidst a busy schedule.

17. Last Week in AI

Last Week in AI” is a comprehensive newsletter that provides weekly insights into significant AI news, encapsulating topics like AI regulation, voice synthesis and deep reinforcement learning.

It includes unique perspectives on AI in China and translates Chinese articles. Also available as a podcast, the platform encourages reader interaction.

This concise yet thorough resource stands out for its expert commentary on technical implications and public policy in AI.

Created by graduate students, it offers a compelling recap of weekly AI developments.

“This Week in AI” is another resource that delivers popular AI research updates every Saturday.

Final Thoughts

That’s it for this comprehensive list of top AI newsletters that you can subscribe to.

These newsletters cover unique perspectives on various topics including new AI tools, research, ethics and industry trends.

Reading these subscriptions will keep you up-to-date with all the AI advancements stay ahead of the technology curve.

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